A representative sample of our work

A Boatbuilder's Daughter
The “Boatbuilder’s Daughter” was the cornerstone content piece for a special edition e-mail campaign built around the theme of water camping. Gig Harbor Boat Works’ Sea Stories are periodic features that bring real world experiences with the company’s boats to life, whether they be tales of exploration and adventure, technical sailing know-how, or blue-collar life on the water. Written in the company’s authentic voice and prominently featured on the blog, email campaigns, and social media, they capture the lifestyle and unique connection that people have with the water.
View the web-friendly version of the e-mail campaign newsletter here.
Read more at ghboats.com“I’ve always been an independent person with a streak of wanderlust. Having traveled solo in Europe and around the US, I was a caught a little off guard by how easy this whole thing felt . . . surprised by the quick and easy passage, by the unexpected amenities of running water and flush toilets. But more than that, was my sudden appreciation of my own comfort outdoors and my contentment in my aloneness.
“It’s interesting, for some reason people don’t really think much of a man traveling alone, but a woman traveling by herself always makes people look twice like they (or we) must be missing something.